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Getting Started with Development Server

Development Server provides backend services to Service Builder VSCode. It hosts workspaces for development. The Docker image of the Development Server is published in the AWS ECR Public Gallery under backlogic.

Development Server is meant to be launched as a data access development platform in the cloud using a container service like AWS Fargate, as shown below:

Development Server

The DAS or SQL developer can then connect the Service Builder to a workspace on the development platform, and develop and deploy data access applications in the workspace. The application developer can then connect the client application in development to the deployed data access services through the service endpoint of the workspace.

In this tutorial, however, we will show you how to launch the Development Server on your local machine with Docker Compose.


  • Docker, Docker-Compose and Git installed.

Launch Development Server

Create Local Directory for Lunching Development Server

Create the directories for launching Development Server:

mkdir ~/backlogic/devtime

Create Docker-Compose File

Create the docker-compose file for launching the Runtime Server and the sample MySQL database:

touch docker-compose.yml
vi docker-compose.yml

Copy and paste the following into the file:

version: "3.3"

    image: ""
    container_name: "mysql"
      - "3306:3306"
    restart: always
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
    image: ""
    container_name: "devtime"
      - "8080:8080"
    restart: "unless-stopped"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
This file includes a service for sample MySQL database. It is not necessary for launching the Development Server, but for use with the Getting Started with Service Builder tutorial.

Launch Development Server

Launch the Development Server and check its logs:

docker-compose up -d
docker logs devtime

Validate Development Server

Validate that the server is running with the endpoint:

curl http://localhost:8080/builder/getVersions

It is expected to return something like the following, if the launch is successful:


At this point, the Development Server is ready for connections from the Service Builder VScode.